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:) :) :) :) :) :)
Sunday. 11.24.13 1:05 pm
I had a very weird dream last night. I never really remember my dreams, and when I do my memory of them is sporadic. In the first part of it I was with my sister, lauren. I found a turtle in the crevice of a fence (in my parent's backyard) and picked it up excited to show her, but it was dead, and she started getting sad. I looked down into my boot and there a was another turtle, alive, and I was trying to get it out. I started panicking because it was hurting and I finally got it out. It was hurting me because it was poking me with it's tiny hard turtle dick. Anyway she was happy about the live turtle.

Then I'm not sure how or why the sequence of events changed but I was having a party, again at my parent's house, but with some friends. There were a few boys (who I knew but at this time can't remember who), Nikki and Chandler. Nikki is a friend from high school, and Chandler a friend from college. I was trying to entertain the after-hours part of a music festival we were going to and offered my parent's place as a place to crash. I directed these people upstairs (away from my parent's room) to hang out while Iook around the house for booze. I found a LOT of beer around (not uncommon at my parent's house) but no liquor. Actually its funny I specifically remember it was a 6-pack of Rahr Stormcloud IPA that I grabbed- a favorite of mine. When I was looking below the cabinets I found a huge (like, bigger than an 8ball) bag of cocaine and a TINY bag of weed (less than a gram). Excited I grab it all and run upstairs. (My parents do not do drugs, or do not openly admit that they do. Nor do they know I dabble). I didn't want to make it look like we did a lot of the coke (for some reason) so I portioned out a tiny bit of it and only planned to share it with Chandler. However once I got into the room Nikki discovered it and proceeded do to almost ALL of it. To the point where I was past being angry at her using up all the coke, but was more concerned about her safety. Then it started coming out of her nose and back onto the record we had broken it up on and she was smiling, and I felt relieved that she knew what she was doing.

Ugh so many

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